Basement Waterproofing Solutions in Casper, Wyoming

Basement Waterproofing Solutions in Casper, Wyoming

Home > Service Area > Casper, WY > Basement Waterproofing Basement Waterproofing Solutions in Casper, Wyoming Homeowners with basement water problems know the feeling all too well: that nervous walk down the stairs the morning after a storm to see how bad the damage is this time. If this is happening to you, it is time to call a basement waterproofing company. If you get nervous going down the stairs after a light sprinkle, it is probably time to call a waterproofing expert. Regardless, a waterproofing professional like those at Rapid Foundation Repair can find a solution that fits your … Read More

Should a Sump Basin Be Perforated?

Should a Sump Basin Be Perforated?

Should a Sump Basin Be Perforated? A sump basin is a bucket-like structure that fits into a pit beneath your basement floor. Excess water drains into the sump basin when a heavy storm occurs, or the groundwater level is above your basement floor. As the water rises in the basin, a sump pump will pump the water out of the basement to the exterior of your home. A sump pump system like this is a great way to keep your basement dry, especially if used with other waterproofing and drainage systems. Water getting into your basement can lead to a … Read More

Is Basement Waterproofing Worth The Investment?

Is Basement Waterproofing Worth The Investment?

Basement Waterproofing Every homeowner wants to know that their home is safe from significant damage. However, they also want to know they are not paying for unnecessary services. One of the more significant expenses that come around is basement waterproofing. Is basement waterproofing worth the investment? No matter what, we will always say yes! Your home is your most significant investment, so you should always be making decisions that help you protect it. Here are some of the benefits that make basement waterproofing worth it: Benefits of Waterproofing Increased Foundation Stability: Your foundation is what keeps your home standing. It … Read More

Basement Leak Repair: Is Inside or Outside Best?

Basement Leak Repair: Is Inside or Outside Best?

Basement Leak Repair: Is Inside or Outside Best?  A common problem that homeowners in South Dakota face is a leaky basement. When the foundation settles, it can cause cracks in the walls, allowing water to seep in. Both older and newer homes are susceptible to this problem. Small cracks are usually not a big concern, but once they get bigger, they can indicate a more serious foundation issue and let even more water in. Water in your basement can cause mold growth, wood rot, and worsening foundation issues. When a homeowner needs leak repair, a question we have heard is … Read More

Winter Water Management in South Dakota

Winter Water Management in South Dakota

Winter Water Management in South Dakota Get Your Basement Ready for Winter Now that fall is in full swing, you can finally feel the chill in the air. This means that winter is right around the corner, and it might be a good idea to take precautions against a wet basement before it’s too late. Many homeowners make the mistake of thinking that since the rainy season is behind us, they don’t have to worry about water getting into their basements until spring. However, snow can do more damage than you think. This winter, keep water management at the top … Read More

Is a Vapor Barrier Necessary in Your Basement?

Is a Vapor Barrier Necessary in Your Basement?

Is a Vapor Barrier Necessary in Your Basement? What is a Vapor Barrier? A vapor barrier is an encapsulation made of foil or plastic designed to keep moisture out of the basement. This material will help damp-proof your basement or crawlspace, helping you avoid moisture-related damage, like dry rot and mold. It is not the same thing as waterproofing, but it is an important part. Signs You Need a Vapor Barrier In addition to the humidity levels in your area, several everyday factors can contribute to moisture in the air, like cooking, house plants, and showers. When too much moisture … Read More

Exterior vs. Interior Basement Waterproofing: Which One Is Best?

Exterior vs. Interior Basement Waterproofing: Which One Is Best?

Exterior vs. Interior Basement Waterproofing: Which One Is Best? Your home is usually your biggest investment, so keeping it in good condition is likely a top priority. Cosmetic up upkeep like paint or flooring is easy to keep track of because you can see it on a regular basis. But how often do you think about keeping your basement dry? In an area where it both rains and snows, waterproofing your basement should be on the top of your list. Now the question is which solution works best, exterior or interior basement waterproofing? Exterior Waterproofing Exterior waterproofing protects your home … Read More

Plan Ahead by Waterproofing Your Home

Plan Ahead by Waterproofing Your Home

Plan Ahead by Waterproofing Your Home The destruction that Hurricane Florence has caused may be making those of us in the upper Midwest and West feel a little wary about our own storm systems. While we don’t get hurricanes, we do get lots of storms. At times we get tornadoes, which our homes need to be prepared to endure and recover from. Even a big thunderstorm could cause a lot of damage to your home if you do not have adequate waterproofing in place. What are the options? What would be best for your home? Let’s find out! How Does … Read More

Spring Thaw and Waterproofing

Spring Thaw and Waterproofing

Spring Thaw and Waterproofing This winter has been brutal for some with sub-zero temperatures, record snowfalls, and large amounts of rain. But, there is a bright spot on the horizon: Spring is near! There is something to be cautious of though with the approaching change in seasons. Along with the warmth of a spring thaw comes the thawing of the snow and ice. The ground is saturated and frozen, but the snow above the ground has to go somewhere when it melts. There are many things that can happen if the soil around your home gets oversaturated. It may trickle … Read More

When to Waterproof your South Dakota Home

When to Waterproof your South Dakota Home

When to Waterproof your South Dakota Home South Dakota and the other areas we serve including parts of Nebraska and Wyoming can really take a hit when it comes to the effects of weather on your home’s foundation, basement, or crawlspace. It’s hard to know when to waterproof. Rain and cold weather can effect cracks in concrete, and make it difficult to fix problems that occur during the cold and rainy seasons of the year. So how do you know when to repair your waterproofing problems? The “WHEN” to Waterproof Question isn’t Easy to Answer The answer isn’t simple! There … Read More