Spring Thaw Can Mean Damp or Wet Crawlspaces in South Dakota

Spring Thaw Can Mean Damp or Wet Crawlspaces in South Dakota

Take Action against Damp or Wet Crawlspaces in South Dakota It is finally that time of year. Spring is so close and the temperature is rising and the snow is melting. While that’s exciting for most, it also means the possibility for wet or damp crawlspaces in South Dakota and Nebraska. When the snow melts the water may pool in your yard with no where to go. This is called yard drainage. From there it will drift toward your home and in and around your crawlspace. This can cause problems such as: Mold and mildew growth Wall cracks Floor cracks … Read More

How Does Winter Affect Your Crawlspace

How Does Winter Affect Your Crawlspace

Crawlspace Vapor Barriers One area of the home that is not given very much thought by homeowners is the crawlspace. The crawlspace may seem like a rather insignificant part of the home, but in reality, it is essential to the health of your overall home. Many crawlspaces develop problems, particularly water-related problems, without the homeowners noticing. It is important for your crawlspace to be dry, because a wet or damp crawlspace can lead to issues in other areas of your home. In the wet months, your crawlspace is especially vulnerable to water issues. Fortunately, Rapid Foundation Repair has the waterproofing … Read More

Basement Waterproofing? SD Experts Can Help

Basement Waterproofing? SD Experts Can Help

Summer Storms Can Equal a Wet Basement It is that time of year again, summer is here. Summer is great in South Dakota, there is swimming in the pool, the Fourth of July, fireworks, vacations, and lots of outside fun. With all the special celebrations and fun times that are to be had during the summer season, you do not want to be bothered by a leaky, wet basement. When that summer season shows up, summer storms come along with it, and along with these storms, you are bound to encounter some foundation problems such as a damp crawl space. … Read More

Keeping Your SD and WY Crawlspace Healthy

Keeping Your SD and WY Crawlspace Healthy

Crawlspace Moisture and Your Family’s Health  Did you know that as much as 50% of the air that you and your family breathes comes from your basement or crawlspace? Many people don’t look in their crawlspace very often. The area can smell bad, be humid, and dark. It’s kind of like the attic, one of those places you just don’t want to go. Heck, it might even have a dirt floor. But problems can lurk in your crawlspace that can lead to a downward spiral in your family’s health. You need the help of a crawlspace professional! Keeping Your SD … Read More